Sarah Wells Roland 2025 - 2 Day Workshop
I am excited to announce my friend, Sarah Wells Rolland, is coming to Colorado! Sarah is the owner and Co-Founder of The Village Potters in Asheville North Carolina. I have worked with Sarah for a couple of years in her mentorship program and did several online classes with her. My experience with her has transformed me in so many ways, I am a better potter and I am passionate about sharing the love of clay more than ever.
I was able to take a trip to fire with her in March of 2024. My visit there was so special. This beautiful community of potters was so inspiring! As you can image when I heard about the flood and soon saw the devastation my heart broke! I started thinking then about how I could help them rebuild. Bringing her to Colorado was my goal and it’s happening!!
Event Details – Sign up now! Space is limited.
Event: Pottery Demonstration Workshop with Sarah Wells Roland
Purpose: Fundraiser for rebuilding Asheville’s pottery community after the 2024 Helena floods.
Day One – May 9th Friday 9am-3pm: Talk and Slide Presentation, Closed Form Pitcher, Darted Bowl, Mug with pulled handle
Day Two – May 10th Saturday 9am-3pm: Larger Sectional Pot with wheel thrown handles, Basket with pulled overhead handle, Oval Serving Baker with pulled handles, Mug with different handle than the day before.
Techniques she will share:
1. Techniques for using all the clay
2. Altering
3. Darting
4. Shaving
5. Handles that complement the form, pulled and wheel thrown
6. Sculpting and adding clay to pots.
7. Spouts and how to make them function well